Hello all!
How strange to think that three years ago today I started this blog because I was in the middle of applying for a job in Japan and was kinda excited about it! I hadn’t ever really traveled before, I hadn’t met some of my very best friends yet–I was a different person inside.
So much happened in these past three years–both good and bad– and I can’t wait to see what the next three years brings! The future is once again a hazy uncertain road, waiting to be walked.
I know my blog has been a very inconsistent thing, but a lot of you have been so sweet and keep encouraging me to continue on. I’ve met a lot of great people on their own adventures with this blog and it’s been so amazing talking to all of you! I was even recognized in person a few times over in Japan, that’s pretty nuts!
As I have no desire to stop writing about my thoughts and my adventures I decided to officially self-host and redesign Everywhere To Be Found. I love its new look and I hope you do too!
UPDATE (3/2019): I don't use WordPress anymore so if you want to follow this journey use one of the subscription boxes on the home page or my About Me page! You rock!
I take your privacy very seriously and I promise your email will never be used for anything other than me hitting the ‘Post’ button and it will never be given to anyone else for any reason.
I hope you all keep reading and keep dreaming and telling me all about it. I appreciate each and every one of you! I’ll be seeing you soon then!
Ja ne!