My 100 Life Goals! (Due By 2026)
I talk about the process of making this list and turning your dreams into goals in another post, check it out! These are my current life goals, they may change as time goes on, but most I have been thinking about for awhile. Let me know what your life goals are in the comments below or use the Contact Form at the bottom of this post!
Work at an international school.
Work on a farm.
Work as a teacher in the U.S.
Be a tour guide.
Earn money online.
Work (or volunteer) at a National Park.
Be an extra in a movie.
Work in Antarctica.
Sell something I make.
Get involved with my local government.
Put money in a savings account every month. (Save $10,000).
✓ Save for traveling every month.
Start a retirement fund.
No personal debt.
✓ Learn how to haggle.
✓Create a monthly budget (and follow it!).
Research/ learn more about how the stock markets and investment work.
✓ Stop impulse buying (wait 1 week before new or random purchases).
Be financially stable/independent.
Get paid to travel somewhere.
Long term, loving relationship.
Go on a trip with my sister (& cousins?).
Take a long camping/backpacking trip with friends.
Go on a trip with my best friend.
Talk with the close friends I move away from min. 1x/wk.
Travel with a significant other.
✓Visit home at least once a year.
✓Call home (talk to family) at least once a week.
✓ Don’t be distracted with people (no phones, books, etc. when I’m talking with someone).
**Get married. (Not doing this by the deadline just to finish a list, but I’d love to be married to a person I love sometime in the next ten years.)
Blog once a week for a year.
Keep up a sketchbook and use all the pages.
Take a ceramics class.
Learn to play an instrument (piano/guitar).
Try 50 new recipes (min. 5 in a cooking class).
Take a photography class.
(Finish) knitting something.
Learn to sew and use a sewing machine to make a piece of clothing.
✓Design my own garden.
Learn graphic design and HTML & design a website.
Visit every Disney Park.
American Road Trip.
Go to South America (esp. Machu Picchu, Peru).
Go somewhere new every month for a year.
See a floating lantern festival with a person I love.
Travel the Middle East.
Visit all 7 continents.
Go on a cruise (Caribbean?).
See the wonders of the world.
See the Northern Lights.
Horseback trip.
Go mountaineering.
Jump from a waterfall.
✓ ̶R̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶p̶h̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶S̶E̶ ̶A̶s̶i̶a̶.̶ Go to an Elephant Sanctuary in SE Asia.
Sail across an ocean. (Learn to sail.)
✓ Scuba dive in a reef. (Get my certification).
Learn to rock climb.
Swim with dolphins.
Kayaking/rafting trip.
Go ziplining.
Get my CA Teacher’s Credential.
Get a Master’s degree.
Be (mostly) fluent in another language (Japanese/Spanish).
✓ Read a new book every month.
Learn basic car maintenance (change oil/tire, etc.)
Be able to identify the major constellations (with stories).
Learn to identify the native plants/rocks/minerals in my local area.
Take a Wilderness First Aid class.
✓Take an online class for a random interesting subject.
✓ Learn in-depth about major political issues & form an opinion. Discuss it.
Exercise for 30 min. every day (for 30 days).
Go horseback riding regularly (min. 1-2x’s/mo.).
Join an adult soccer team.
✓ Run a 10K.
Take up a martial art/kickboxing.
Learn to do a handstand and a flip.
Join adult track and field.
Finish a Tough Mudder.
✓ Keep weight in the healthy range.
See defined arm and ab muscles.
Read the whole Bible.
✓ Pray daily for 60 days.
✓ Meditate ~10 mins every morning for 30 days.
✓ Journal at least once a week.
✓Volunteer for a cause I care about for min. 3 months.
Bring God into my everyday life (when frustrated/angry, stop and think WWJD?)
Start a gratitude jar for thankful and happy moments every day for a year.
✓ Donate to a charity.
Volunteer with at-risk youth.
Learn about the major religions of the world where they are majorly practiced.
Become an early riser.
Cook healthy meals for myself 4x’s/week.
✓Keep a clean and organized house.
Change someone’s life for the better.
Give blood.
✓Volunteer in another country.
Learn to drive a manual car.
Make a vlog in a very public place.
✓Actually go to dentist and doctor check-ups.
Less procrastination! (Take big tasks and schedule them into smaller sections with due dates).