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Finding Kendra

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list

My "Impossible" List

Writer: Kendra BKendra B

But Kendra, you already have a 100 Life Goals list! What do you need another one for?!

I came upon the idea for an "Impossible" List on YouTube from a video done by Unjaded Jade. She defined an Impossible List as an ever evolving bucket list that you refer back to when making plans for your life. An actionable bucket list. On it, you put anything and everything you would like to achieve before you die in whichever categories you choose, be they (in your mind) achievable or be they your wildest dreams that would take a miracle to happen. She encouraged you to think big! And whenever you do complete an item on this list, you can make a note underneath to take it to the next level, take it in a new direction, or simply leave it as it is. But the point is to keep moving forward and to evolve the list as you grow--adding and deleting items as you want.

girl is braced and about to bungee jump off of a blue suspension bridge over brown hills
Ryujin Bungee, Ibaraki, Japan

I loved this idea because it has no timeline other than your life. These are the dreams to guide your path in life, not really the SMART goals and daily habits you want to adopt as life systems. They're big ticket items you maybe can't achieve yet or don't yet know how to achieve in a specific timeline but that make you crazy excited to think about achieving!

Many of mine were brought over from my 100 Goals list, but I was kind of unknowingly using that as an "Impossible" List at the time. I knew I wouldn't visit all 7 continents by 2026, but I wanted to get closer to that goal. And I have, but I feel anxious when I see the deadline on that list because I know most are longer-term goals that I won't be able to check off. I'll probably make shorter, SMARTer, and more realistic ten year life goals lists again (I do like my lists!), but I love having this list of things that will take more time, work, luck, and dreaming to achieve. I can then choose things from here to break down into smaller stepping stones on my 10-year lists and so guide my life in an awesome (in my opinion anyway) direction!

It's funny where life takes you, so if you want it, even if it seems too silly or outlandish to admit, write it down, share it, and you can make it happen! Why not?!

Enjoy my "Impossible" List and if you make one of your own, please share with me!


Work on a farm

Be a tour guide

Earn money online

Work or volunteer at a National Park

Sell something I make

Work in Antarctica

Work or volunteer for local government

No personal debt

Save $15,000

Learn to haggle and bargain (started May 2018 in Thailand, perfected in 2019-20 in Zambia)

-Bargain in a local language outside the U.S.

Make money in the stock market

Get paid to travel somewhere

Write curriculum for public schools


Be in a long-term relationship

Take a trip with my sister (Pismo Beach, May 2020)

-Take an out-of-state trip with my sister

Go backpacking with friends

Take a trip with my best friend

Establish a regular Game Night


Write one blog post every month for a year

Take a ceramics class

Learn to play an instrument

Take a cooking class

Get 500 followers on Instagram

Get 500 subscribers on blog

Adjust or make website with HTML and CSS

Finish knitting something

Design a home garden

Build something from scratch


Great American Road Trip

Visit all 50 states

Visit all 7 continents (✔: North America-home; Asia-2014; Africa-2019)

Drive from Alaska to the tip of Argentina

Visit every Disney Park (✔: California, Tokyo)

See a floating lantern festival

See the Northern Lights

Jump from a waterfall

Hike the Great Wall of China (Jinshanling section, Aug. 2015)

-Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Horseback trip

Kayaking/rafting trip

Go to an elephant sanctuary in SE Asia (Phuket, Thailand in May 2018)

-Go on an ethical/responsible safari in Africa

Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Complete the SoCal Six Pack of Peaks (✔: Mt. Wilson, Jan. 2019; Mt. Baldy, Jul. 2019)

Hike to Everest Base Camp

Go sailing (San Diego, Jul. 2019)

-Learn how to sail

Go scuba diving (Koh Tao, Thailand, May 2018)

-Get SCUBA certification

Swim in every ocean in the world (✔: Pacific, my whole life)

Do a thru-hike


Get a Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential

Get a Master's Degree

Read Harry Potter in Japanese

Pass the N2 in Japanese

Hold a conversation in Spanish

Know how to maintain my car (oil/tire/etc)

Learn to ID the big constellations

Wilderness First Aid class

Learn to ID edible and medicinal local plants in the wild

Become a beekeeper

Learn how to go off grid and become self-sufficient

Learn how to drive a manual car

Learn how to weave on a loom


Join an adult soccer team

Complete a Tough Mudder

Complete a Spartan race

Run a 10k (Disney run, Nov. 2016)

-Participate in an aquathon

Be able to do a cartwheel

Be able to do a handstand

Get the splits

Go on a yoga and meditation retreat

Take horseback riding lessons

Start kickboxing

Go plant-based for a month

Give blood


Be an extra in a movie

Read the whole Bible

Complete a 5-Year Journal

Volunteer consecutively for 3 months (Peace Corps Zambia, Aug 2019-Mar 2020 evacuation)

-Volunteer consecutively for one year

Be a speaker at a school

Build a school

Raise $10,000 for charity

Improve my speaking/debating skills

Learn to ballroom dance

Live on a homestead

Create my own tea blends

Go as zero-waste as possible/Be able to offset my carbon footprint

Plant 100 trees

Meet Oprah


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Hey all! My name is Kendra B. and I'm happy to meet you! I'm a teacher with a need to continue learning and a heart torn between staying put and going out to experience the world. I'm about to leave for Peace Corps Zambia for the next 27 months and would love for you to join me on this new adventure!


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