Oh my gosh you guys!
It’s been a rough time for me lately but I found these three videos on my laptop that kind of helped.
Two are videos from my first days working at my school in Japan, and the things I found surprising and strange in my new country are surprising to me now. Everything I mentioned is my new normal (except for people liking natto, I still don’t get that one) and I’m laughing at how naive and well, new, I was!
I’m not editing anything out of these and they were originally just intended for myself and my family so some mentions of names may be confusing, but overall I found these taking me back to a happy, exciting, wonderous place and I hope you enjoy them! I’m spacing them out a bit because they get rather long so here is the video of me talking about my very first day as an English teacher at a Japanese Jr. high and my first impressions of Japan!
Take care!