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Finding Kendra

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list

An ALT's Teacher Survival Kit

The one in which I share with you the materials I haul around with me all day, every day for my lessons and give some tips to go with them.

Driving in Japan (Think Left)

The one in which I talk about what it's like to drive in Japan, the rules of the road, the mistakes I've made, and why I love it so much!

An ALT's Monthly Budget in Japan

The one in which I break down my monthly budget for you as an Interac ALT in rural Japan and tell you why I spend the way I do.

Travel Tip: The Power of a Smile

The one in which I make my case for why you should smile at random strangers during your day, even if you're in a bad mood.

Tokyo: A Day Trip to the Big City

The one in which I go to Tokyo for the very first time, figure things out-ish, share tips to save you from my mistakes, and eat really well!

Alive Again!

The one where I apologize for going MIA since arriving in Japan and tell you my first impressions of my new country while promising more.

The Night Before Departure

The one where I am punch-drunk tired and have to write out my thoughts in the middle of the night before I leave because I'm still packing.

"Are You Nervous?"

The one in which I actually realize how close I am to moving out of the U.S. for the first time and panic a little.

Getting My Japanese Instructor Visa

The one in which I go to L.A. by myself for the first time, only get a little lost, and tell you how I applied for my Japanese visa!

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